Lead frame, as a chip carrier for integrated circuits, is a key structural component that realizes the electrical connection between the chip's internal circuit lead-out and external leads by means of bonding materials (gold wire, aluminum wire, copper wire). It plays the role of a bridge with external wires. Lead frames are required in most semiconductor integrated blocks, which is an important basic material in the electronic information industry.
Lead Frame Features
Copper alloys for Lead Frame are roughly divided into copper-iron series, copper-nickel-silicon series, copper-chromium series, copper-nickel-tin series (JK--2 alloy), etc., ternary and quaternary multi-component copper alloys It can achieve better performance and lower cost than traditional binary alloys. It has the most grades of copper-iron alloys, has good mechanical strength, stress relaxation resistance and low creep. Frame material. Due to the needs of lead frame manufacturing and packaging applications, in addition to high strength and high thermal conductivity, the material also requires good soldering performance, process performance, etching performance, and oxide film adhesion performance.
Lead Frame material develops in the direction of high strength, high conductivity, and low cost. A small amount of various elements are added to copper to increase the strength of the alloy (making the lead frame less prone to deformation) and overall performance without significantly reducing the conductivity. Materials with a tensile strength of more than 600Mpa and a conductivity of more than 80% IACS are hot spots for research and development. And it is required that the copper strip is oriented to a high surface, accurate plate shape, uniform performance, and the thickness of the strip is continuously thinning, gradually thinning from 0.25mm to o.15mm, 0.1mm, 0.07 ~ 0. Into.