Improve the consistency of etching processing rate between plates: in continuous plate etching, the more consistent the metal etching processing rate, the more uniform the etching plate can be obtained. In order to always maintain the optimal etching state during the pre-etching process, it is necessary to select etching solutions that are easy to regenerate and compensate, and the etching rate is easy to control. Select technologies and equipment that provide constant operating conditions and enable automatic control of various solution parameters. It can be achieved by controlling the amount of dissolved tong, PH value, solution concentration, temperature and uniformity of solution flow.
Improve the uniformity of the metal etching processing speed of the whole plate: the etching uniformity of the upper and lower sides of the plate and each part of the plate is determined by the uniformity of the metal etching liquid flow rate of the plate. In the etching process, the etching rate of the upper and lower plates is often inconsistent. The etching rate of lower plate surface is higher than that of upper plate surface. Due to the accumulation of solution on the surface of the upper plate, the etching reaction is weakened. The uneven etching of the upper and lower plates can be solved by adjusting the injection pressure of the upper and lower nozzles. Using a spray system and swinging the nozzle, the uniformity of the entire surface of the plate can be further improved by making the spray pressure different between the center and the edge of the plate.